Monday, March 10, 2008


sorry sorry i haven't been updating haha

umm.. this week in school we have MME's and ACTs Tests!! AHH!! i'm scared it's for college n' stuff yahhh oh boyyy.. but more importantally haha I GOT MY PROM DRESS IN THE MAIL TODAYY!! I LOVE IT!! but i was thinking of mitchel really badd.. :( but i know he would of wanted me to be happy so i put on a big smile ahha don't worry buddy :) umm.. i also made a mitchel musso video to him ; i hope he saw itt.. i got lotz a commetns thanks guys!:) i prob. have alot of mistakes on this blogg beacuse welll i'm really tired and i have been typing notes all night basically.. hahha okayy i'lll updatre sooonnn byeeeee



Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well today was a very BAD day in school. People makin' fun outta' my celeb crush! But i don't let things bother i had my good friend come over & we got up to my house after eating at gram's. And we went to Mitchel's Blog...and he wrote about ME in it! About going to prom.! I'm stoked! LOL. He can't go but i'm glad he replyed. He's sooo nice!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My First Blog! ( now how does this work?)

wow this year is just flying by! So umm..this is my very first blog! Today was pretty good. I started out with World History class; ugh! We had a Sub though so it was a pretty good class hour. :) me & my friends messed around alotttt! :P Then Sociology we mentored "Big Brothers Big Sisters". (That's every Tuesday.) Then next is Art class. I loved it, we did glue art. Then is American History11, another hour with the sub. Fun Fun.:) Then. The best part of the whole day! LUNCH HOUR!!! Yum! I ate sooo much! I'm still FULL! .lol. After lunch is Algebra class, we hada' TEST! I think I did fairly well. Then English class, boring! But our teach is pretty laughable! :) Lastly is Study Hall. phew! Then is the bus ride home. I live about 5 minutes away from school yet the bus ride is 45 mintues long for me! CRAZYY!

so that about wraps up my day. at school.

Off of the bus, (I live on Niemela Road, (a road named after me?! no my gram. but it's still my name:P.), I walked to my grams' house like everyday. I eat supper there (my dad when he gets off of work he comes down to eat also.) & then we go home. And I'm at my dad's (home i CALL IT!) for this week. Then oh yah My parents are seperated! & it sucks big time! But I really try to not get me's not worth it to cry anymore. But all my friends call me very positive. & i still have my great personality. So that's good :). Well...I'm gonna' go head on over to Mitchel's Bog to leave him a comment.
